Thyroid & Neck Private Ultrasound Scan


  • Thyroid ultrasound is a valuable imaging tool used to assess the structure and function of the thyroid gland. At London Private Ultrasound in Central London, we offer advanced thyroid ultrasound services to provide comprehensive evaluation and personalized care for individuals with thyroid health concerns. Let’s delve into the uses, benefits, and diagnostic applications of thyroid ultrasound:

Uses and Benefits:

  • Thyroid Disease Evaluation: Thyroid ultrasound is commonly used to evaluate the thyroid gland for signs of thyroid disease, including thyroid nodules, thyroiditis, goiter, and thyroid cancer. It provides detailed imaging of the thyroid gland’s size, shape, texture, and vascularity.
  • Assessment of Thyroid Nodules: Thyroid ultrasound helps differentiate between benign and malignant thyroid nodules, guiding further evaluation and treatment decisions. It can identify suspicious features such as irregular borders, microcalcifications, and increased vascularity associated with thyroid cancer.
  • Monitoring Thyroid Function: Thyroid ultrasound can monitor changes in thyroid size and structure over time, providing valuable information on thyroid function and the progression of thyroid disease.

Book Your Appointment


In this scan we will

  • Evaluate the thyroid gland, salivary glands, neck lymph nodes and adjacent structures with ultrasound
  • Take your relevant medical history
  • Provide 10 minutes consultation
  • Explain all findings during and after your ultrasound scan
  • Write an official scan report within 24 hrs, with appropriate images included in the report
  • Recommend a follow-up ultrasound scan if necessary
  • Offer GP or specialist referral and a Blood Test if needed

  • Detection of the cancer or other life-threatening diseases in the thyroid and neck
  • Detection and differentiation between benign and malignant masses of the neck and thyroid gland
  • To find enlarged lymph nodes, thyroid cysts, nodules or cancers
  • Obstruction or blockage in the salivary gland ducts and the cause of obstruction
  • Cause of enlargement or inflammation of the thyroid, salivary glands and lymph nodes
  • Stone, cyst, tumour, or other pathologies in salivary glands
  • Incidental finding of significant stenosis in the Carotid or vertebral arteries

In some cases, we will recommend a thyroid function or other relevant blood tests.

Apart from moving all jewellery from your neck, there is no essential preparation for this scan. Please inform the specialist if you have neck Arthritis.

Our Ultrasound Specialists will explain the procedure before your scan. You will be guided to lie on your back on the examination couch. A small amount of water-based gel will be applied to your neck. Our specialist will move the probe on your skin to produce diagnostic ultrasound images. You will not feel any discomfort during your ultrasound scan. A Thyroid & neck ultrasound scan is regularly completed within 20 minutes. Our Sonographer will recommend the best course of action, depending on the ultrasound scan findings.

You will receive your results verbally after the scan. However, the Sonographer will examine the relevant images after your appointment and prepare a written report after your scan or within 24 hours with any recommended actions. The report will be sent to you so that you can discuss the findings with your doctor, if required.

There are no risks or side effects associated with the thyroid & neck ultrasound scan. Ultrasound does not use any radiation, which is why doctors prefer to use them to check on developing babies in pregnant women.

Private Ultrasound Clinic

All part of our services, from our specialists to our technology and, of course, our clinic, is designed to deliver the greatest possible experience for all of our patients and visitors.

We are conveniently located a stone throw famous Harley Street of London and our clinic is a place where you may feel safe and clean, comfortable, and reassuring environment.

Central London Branch: 27 Welbeck Street, London, W1G 8EN
St Albans Branch : 
54-56 Victoria St, St Albans, AL1 3HZ
Tel020 7101 3377

private ultrasound

Our Ultrasound Scans

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