Post-Menopausal Pelvic Scan


Some common reasons why it is recommended to have a pelvic ultrasound scan for a post-menopausal woman include:

Ovarian cysts or tumours: If there are concerns about ovarian cysts or tumours, an ultrasound scan can provide detailed information about their size, location, and characteristics.

Abnormal bleeding: If a woman experiences post-menopausal bleeding or any other abnormal vaginal bleeding, an ultrasound scan may be performed to evaluate the uterus and ovaries for any potential abnormalities or causes.

Pelvic pain or discomfort: If a woman experiences pelvic pain or discomfort, an ultrasound scan may be conducted to examine the pelvic organs and identify any potential issues.

Uterine abnormalities: An ultrasound scan can help detect and evaluate conditions such as endometrial thickening or polyps in the uterus.

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A gynecology ultrasound scan helps in detecting endometrial abnormalities in post-menopausal women by measuring the thickness of the endometrium. In post-menopausal women, the endometrium should typically be thin, as there is no menstrual cycle or hormonal activity. If the endometrium appears thickened on the ultrasound scan, it may indicate the presence of endometrial hyperplasia (an overgrowth of the uterine lining) or, in rare cases, endometrial cancer.

An ultrasound scan can provide important information to help determine if endometrial cancer is present in post-menopausal women. If the scan shows abnormal thickening of the endometrium, further diagnostic procedures, such as an endometrial biopsy or hysteroscopy, are typically performed to obtain tissue samples for laboratory analysis. These tests help confirm the presence of cancer or rule out other potential causes of endometrial thickening.

The frequency of gynecology ultrasound scans for post-menopausal women may vary depending on individual factors and medical history. Generally, post-menopausal women without any specific concerns or symptoms may undergo periodic pelvic ultrasound scans every one to two years as part of their routine gynecological care. However, the recommended frequency may be adjusted based on a woman's specific risk factors, symptoms, or the presence of any underlying conditions.

In addition to endometrial evaluation, a gynecology ultrasound scan can detect various conditions in post-menopausal women, such as ovarian cysts, uterine fibroids, uterine or ovarian masses, pelvic fluid collections, or signs of pelvic inflammatory disease. The scan can also help evaluate the condition of the cervix, and surrounding pelvic structures, providing a comprehensive assessment of the pelvic region.

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St Albans Branch : 54-56 Victoria St, St Albans, AL1 3HZ
Tel020 7101 3377