Gender Reveal Scan


If you are excited to find out whether you are having a boy or girl, the Gender scan will confirm it for you.

At Private Ultrasound Clinic, the experienced sonographer can determine the gender with 97% accuracy. Please note ultrasound scans never provide a 100% guarantee of the gender, however, to have the most accurate result, our experienced sonographer may ask you to walk around for a few minutes to move your baby into a better position and they will scan you again. If we are not able to determine the gender on the day (if your baby is in an unfavorable position), we will re-book you for another gender scan (free of charge). 

We would like to make it even more special for you, therefore we will provide you 1 x 2D black and white images in a mounted card frame to take home and treasure the moment.

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Frequently Asked Questions

The primary purpose of this scan is to reveal gender. In addition, the sonographer will check your baby’s heartbeat, body movement, wellbeing of baby’s anatomy, the position of the placenta, and the amount of amniotic fluid. If you are interested in the size and gestational age of your baby to be measured, the scan should be upgraded to a full dating scan.

we will ask you to take a short gentle walk to move your baby to a different position and will scan you again. If we are not able to determine the gender on the day (if your baby is in an unfavorable position), we will re-book you for another gender scan (free of charge).

During a Gender Scan, our experienced sonographer will use ultrasound to examine your baby and determine the gender with 97% accuracy. The sonographer may ask you to walk around for a few minutes to move your baby into a better position for a more accurate result. We will also provide you with 1 x 2D black and white images in a mounted card frame to take home.

Ultrasound scans never provide a 100% guarantee of the gender, however, our experienced sonographer will do their best to provide you with the most accurate result. If we are not able to determine the gender on the day (if your baby is in an unfavorable position), we will rebook you for another gender scan (free of charge).

The Gender Scan typically takes 1015 minutes.

Ultrasound scans are generally considered very safe and do not involve any risks. However, if you are concerned, please consult with your doctor before booking an appointment.

How to Find Us

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020 7101 3377


Private Ultrasound Clinic,
27 Welbeck Street,
London W1G 8 EN

List of Ultrasound Scans During Pregnancy

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Private Ultrasound Clinic

All part of our services, from our specialists to our technology and, of course, our clinic, is designed to deliver the greatest possible experience for all of our patients and visitors.

We are conveniently located a stone throw famous Harley Street of London and our clinic is a place where you may feel safe and clean, comfortable, and reassuring environment.

Address: The London Welbeck Hospital, 27 Welbeck St, London W1G 8EN
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