Presentation Ultrasound Scan
Presentation scan is designed to provide expecting parents with an in-depth look at the position of their baby in the womb.
Our Presentation scan is performed to check the position of the baby inside the uterus, whether it’s cephalic (head down), breech (bottom down) or transverse (sideways) position. This information is important for the obstetrician to decide the mode of delivery.
Book Your Appointment
What should I expect during presentation scan?
This scan is a trans-abdominal scan and will be performed by gliding the ultrasound probe over your abdomen. In some cases, a transvaginal scan may be needed to exclude a low placenta or a rare but dangerous condition called vasa praviea. This is when unprotected fetal vessels are close to or covering the cervix. If your sonographer is unable to exclude these conditions by scanning transabdominal then she may advise the need for an internal ultrasound. Both exams are is extremely safe and comfortable for you and your baby.
What will be looked at in this scan?
We will look at:
- Your baby’s position Baby’s position in the womb
- Measurements of amniotic fluid
- The position of your placenta
- Measurements of baby’s head, abdomen and limbs
- Estimate your baby’s weight
What is included?
We will give you a written report and all the digital images.
What will happen after my scan?
We will ask you to share the provided with your midwife or doctor. We can also refer you to our highly regarded Obstetric consultant if you need to.
Is there any preparations for this scan?
No there is no preparation required for this scan.
Other services

Dating Scan
Available from 8 – 22 weeks

NIPT (Harmony) Scan
Available from 10 weeks + 4 days

Gender Scan
Available from 16 – 40 weeks