Private Early Pregnancy Scans Explained – What Will I See?

Private Early Pregnancy Scans Explained – What Will I See?

When you’re pregnant, one of the first things you’ll want to do is see your baby. A private early pregnancy scan can give you that chance to see your little one for the first time. But what can you expect from a private early pregnancy scan?

A private early pregnancy scan, also known as a viability or dating scan, is typically performed between 6 and 11 weeks of pregnancy. This scan is used to confirm the pregnancy, determine the due date, and check for any potential issues.

During the scan, you will lie on an examination table and a small amount of gel will be applied to your abdomen. The ultrasound technician will then use a transducer to create images of your baby. The entire process usually takes about 20-30 minutes.

During the scan, the technician will be looking for the presence of a gestational sac, which is a fluid-filled structure that surrounds the developing fetus. The technician will also be looking for the presence of a yolk sac, which is a small structure that provides nutrition to the developing fetus. And the technician will be looking for a fetal pole, which is the earliest visual sign of a developing fetus.

The technician will also measure the size of the gestational sac and yolk sac to determine the due date and check for any potential issues such as a blighted ovum, or an empty gestational sac which can indicate a non-viable pregnancy.

It is important to note that early pregnancy scans are not always accurate, especially during the early weeks of pregnancy, and some women may need to have additional scans later in their pregnancy. However, a private early pregnancy scan can provide valuable information and peace of mind for expecting parents.

After the scan, you will be given a report of the findings and if everything is fine, you will be advised to come back for a follow-up scan in a few weeks. If any issues are detected, your healthcare provider will discuss the next steps with you.


Overall, a private early pregnancy scan is an exciting and important step in your journey as a parent. It provides valuable information about the pregnancy and can help ease any worries or concerns. It’s a chance to see your baby for the first time and an opportunity to bond with your little one before they are born. It’s always best to discuss your options with your healthcare provider and make an informed decision that’s best for you and your baby.

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