Follicular Tracking Ultrasound Scan

Detailed Follicular Tracking Scan - £175.00

Follicular Tracking Scan is an assessment of the size and growth of the follicles within the ovaries, how the progress correlates with where you are in your cycle or responsiveness to treatment stimulation. Also, we will assess the womb, lining of the womb, fallopian tubes and surrounding structures. This type of scan aims to ensure normal growth of the dominant follicle or stimulated follicles to appropriately time natural conception or any form of assisted conception (such as IVF), as well as to rule out any structural cause that might explain difficulty conceiving, recurrent miscarriages, generalized pelvic pain or any other related issue.

Please add your requested screening ultrasound, blood test, or health check-up while you are booking your ultrasound scan appointment.

Book Online Follicular Tracking Ultrasound Scan

If you are unable to make a payment online, please call our office to book your appointment. We’re here to assist you!  Tel020 7101 3377

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Central London Branch: 27 Welbeck Street, London, W1G 8EN

St Albans Branch : 54-56 Victoria St, St Albans, AL1 3HZ
Tel020 7101 3377