Knee Ultrasound Scan-Two Limbs
Price: £345

London Private Ultrasound (LPU) offers a  to the male and female patients over 18 years old. Knee pain due to trauma and arthritis is the most common reason for having a knee ultrasound diagnostic examination.

In this scan a specialist practitioner will assess the main musculoskeletal structures in your knee, such as bones, cartilages, ligaments, and tendons.
Knee ultrasound is a dynamic, fast, and affordable scan for evaluation of the knee injuries, arthritis, or knee wear and tear due to its weight-bearing nature.

Private Knee Ultrasound

Private knee ultrasound can provide useful information on a wide range of pathologic conditions affecting knee joint components like tendons and muscles, ligaments, bursae and cysts, synovial space, articular cartilage, surrounding soft tissues, peripheral nerve, or vascular abnormalities. Colour and power Doppler knee ultrasound can be used to measure neovascularization within the synovial lining of the joints, tendons, and soft-tissue masses.

Book Online Knee Ultrasound Scan-Two Limbs


If you are unable to make a payment online, please call our office to book your appointment. We’re here to assist you!  Tel020 7101 3377

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